Fortunately, Googlehas Affirmed precisely What They are looking so sites can consequently prepared and restore. This is absolutely Believed in the prospect of SEO and When Particularly preferred places to associate advertising. The updates or targeted sites are badly written and with the outdated copy. This eans Their sites are overused Usually to writing articles for quick and filled with keywords originate Themselves by the under side of the search pile. If the search engine styles are under Explained persist it can really concern us for the small dealer along with That is dipping into the shark hunt. Keep close eye on your Google webmaster tool.
There are several ways of building back links out of which link exchange is common among webmasters and seo expert. There are basically two types of link exchange i.e. two way link exchange and three way link exchange. I know you all guys are very well aware of one way and two way link exchange.
Before you start thinking to start link exchange for your or client website it is necessary to aware about disadvantages of link exchange.
Here are few top demerit / disadvantages of link exchange:
1) It's time consuming work
2) Your link can be removed any time without giving any notification and you will never know until you are going to cross check.
3) Even though you found that your link is no more available on other website, you will again have to contact to the webmaster to put it back which is really time consuming and double work.
4) If other webmaster not reply to your mail then ultimately you will have to option other than to remove their back link from your website, which is again going to consume your time, after all time is money.
5) Many times few bad webmasters block search engines to crawl those pages from where you are about to get back links. They do it through Robots.txt file or just keep rel = "nofollow" on your page link.
So think twice before you are going to put your hard work and time before you start link exchange. However doing link exchange through your friend's or relative's website is fine, at least you are sure that your link is going to live there as far the website is live.
Google Trying to penalizes Paid links:
Google is now Actively Encouraging webmasters to report 'Paid Links' so it can test a new hand of STI algorithm to Give less weight to links Paid thesis. This Can Be Done from the Google webmaster's console via a spam report form.
So what are Paid Links?
Rather Or What Does Google think of a bad link Paid? The answer According To Google is: Bad links are "paid links and PageRank flow That Attempt to game Google's rankings."
Often This is Obvious, When some ads for products or services Appears in small text boxes around the page and Have little relevance to the main page content.
Purpose what about 'sponsored listings' or 'sponsored ads' or 'banner advertising'. This is Where the distinction Becomes harder, Both for real people to tell, aussi order for robots to tell.
Some think eXtraSearch That 'Legitimate' forms of web advertising - Such as banner ads with links Could Be adversely hit in the near future by revised search engine algorithms to deal with Which Attempt Paid link the problem.
When considering a search engine marketing strategy, Business Referrals Likely to Anticipate Changes in search engines to keep ahead of Competitors. eXtraSearch Provide a consultancy service to Search engine business as well as full Providing search engine optimization services.
Google Chrome also penalised for Sponsor links if you search the word browser, Chrome No Longer appears on page 1 and Is Now 61 position. they has Google Said That Will penalizes this page by Reducing it's PageRank Which Will Reduce Ability to rank for terms Such as browser. Also added Google That this punishment Will last for at least 60 days.